Separately compress all sub folders

7-ZipI started using WordPress for this blog when it launched in June 2011 until last year when, with Gutenberg on the horizon, I migrated to ClassicPress. This migration was easy as ClassicPress is a hard-fork of WordPress 4.9. As part od the migration I opted to rewrite all of my plugins to improve them and make them more secure.

I have 32 publically available plugins for ClassicPress. I’ve recently made changes to all of the plugins which means I need to make a release of them.

This partly done by committing the changes to Git Hub and making a tag, but you also need to add a zip file. There are commands to do this automatically on GitHub, but I am quote new so am opting to create the zips myself and upload them.

To do this I wanted to automatically compress all of the plugin folders, but exclude any hidden folders (such as the .git folder). I did some exploring and found the required command on Stack Overflow using 7-zip:

for /d %%X in (*) do "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -xr!.git\ -xr!*~ "" "%%X\"

The question which had previously been asked was this one and the two answers I used were this and this.

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