Move Management Reporter To A New Domain

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client recently ran into problems with Management Reporter whereby they had a large number of building blocks accidentally deleted from one building block group. While the easiest solution would be to restore the Management Reporter database to before the blocks were deleted, this was not possible.

The client in question has a lot of users across different businesses each it their own building block groups and were in the middle of year end. LOsing all the management accounts so far produced ad interrupting all business units to fix an issue in one of them was not possible. To make things worse, their test system was being rebuilt after some year end testing so we couldn’t use this to restore the database and export the building blocks.

The solution was therefore a little more long winded and took several steps:

  1. Copy a backup of the Management Reporter database prior to the deletion and restore to my test system.
  2. Run the copy the Management Reporter 2012 database to a new server script from Microsoft
  3. Use the after you make changes to your domain, you no longer have permission to access Management Reporter; this script was needed as the domain on my demo system is totally different to the originating one.
  4. Export required building blocks.
  5. Import exported building blocks back into client system.

The above took a while due to the size of the database which had to be copied to my test system and restored, but was actually quite straightforward.

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