Features of PurchaseHQ from ISC Software: Supplier Invoice Approval (Non-Workflow) Overview

PurchaseHQ PortalThis post is part of the Features of PurchaseHQ from ISC Software, as well as part of the over-arching GP Elementz from ISC Software series.

PurchaseHQ includes a non-Workflow based Payables Invoice approval system. This adds extra functionality to the Payables Transaction Entry window for users to submit an invoice for approval and has an approval section in the portal.

This approval module pre-dates the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow approval, but is still used by some customers as it offers a degree of flexibility not present in Workflow. In brief, the Invoice Approvals works by the user selecting the users who will perform the approval at the submit stage; in Workflow, the approval routes would be predefined and not allow any variation based on these routes. For some customers this is too inflexible, so the Invoice Approvals functionality allows them to select the approver at point of entry.

The selected users can then do the approval through the portal in the same way as if it was a Workflow approval; Invoice Approvals allows for the user to specify if all approvers, the majority or only one must approve.

GP Elementz from ISC Software

Features of PurchaseHQ from ISC Software

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