Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on building my new Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

The build of the Raspberry PI kit is easily the easiest computer build I’ve done.

The starter kit from Canakit is contained within a small box (the separate SD Card in the photo was bought in addition to the one which arrived in the box):

Canakit Raspberry Pi box

Within the box are all of the components including power supply and HDMI cable:

Content of Canakit Raspberry Pi starter kit

The case is in the white box at the top of the picutre and the Raspberry Pi motherboard in the red box at the bottom left:

Raspberry Pi case and motherboard

There are no screws required; the motherboard seats quite firmly into the bottom of the case:

Motherboard seated in the base of the case

The heatsinks have backing paper on them which you need to remove and then seat the heatsinks on the motherboard:

Heatsinks on the motherboard

The middle section of the case then slots on top covering the motherboards, but leaving the heatsinks exposed:

Middle section of case in place

The top of the case can now be fitted into place:

Case fully assembled

You can now insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and plug in the keyboard, mouse and monitor. Once done we can move onto installing the OS, which I will do in the next post.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

What should we write about next?

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